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Supply of Gel Ice Packs, Personal Cooling Products, Dog Cooling Products, Hot & Cold Therapy Wraps, Heat Sealers, Florist Gel, Raw Materials for making Gel Ice Packs, Gel Ice Pack Production System, Odor Control Products.




Usually, hot or cold therapy is suggested by a doctor to relieve the discomfort caused by minor muscular pains. But when you try it at home, things can seem difficult if there’s no handy gel pack at your house.

You need to buy proper gel packs that can be cooled and heated easily as per your requirements. Plus, they must be able to maintain the needed temperature for a long time.

1. Composition of Gel Ice Packs

Flexible Gel Ice Packs

The gel ice packs are often made from non-toxic and high-quality materials. Some common gel types contain polymer, hydroxyethyl, cellulose, vinyl-coated silica gel or sodium polyacrylate.

However, the Gel Ice Packs contain filtered Canadian water gel that’s enveloped in a puncture-resistant and high-strength plastic to prevent leakage. It maintains the pack’s temperature and consistency for a longer duration.

2. How Gel Packs Work?

If we talk about cold therapy, the ice gel packs are effective on fresh pains, injuries and aches. It helps in constricting blood vessels that further slow down the inflammation while reducing redness and swelling.

Besides gel packs, there are many other techniques for applying cold therapy. However, each one has its pros and cons. But if you are seeking something relatively cheap, reusable and readily available, gel packs are your best option.

3. How to Relieve Pain Using Gel Packs?

Heat Therapy

One can easily use gel packs. You simply need to place it in a freezer for around two hours or overnight. But you have to keep it lying flat, so it’s easier to mould it as per the injured body part. When the gel pack is perfectly flat, you can easily turn and twist it according to the shape of your affected body area.

For preventing yourself from ice pack burn, you have to apply the gel pack not over 15 to 20 minutes. You can easily repeat the gel pack application various times throughout the day. But before you reapply the ice gel pack, you need to ensure that your skin gets back to normal temperature. When the skin is warm again, it’s best to reapply the ice pack.

Remember that cold therapy is most effective when it’s applied at the first 48 hours following the injury. So, it’s important to work with it rapidly.

You can also use gel packs for heat therapy. All you need to do is place it in your microwave for around 15 seconds for warm relief therapy. But always wrap your hot pack with a cloth or towel before you apply it to your skin to prevent skin damage.

4. When Should Your Use Gel Packs?

Mostly gel packs are applied on fresh injuries or acute pain. It includes muscle strains, ligament sprains, sports injuries or other bruises. These are also helpful in alleviating muscle spasms or other types of arthritis.

You can also treat tissue fatigue, chronic overuse, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow and patellofemoral pain syndrome with a gel pack.

5. When to Avoid Gel Packs?

Here are certain cases when you should avoid using gel packs:

  • Don’t use a gel pack on stiff joints or muscles
  • Don’t use it on any sort of sensory disorders. For instance, patients with diabetes can have less sensitivity and may not feel anything when damage is done.
  • Don’t use it if cold therapy was not helpful within 48 hours
  • Don’t use it in case of poor circulation


When you have to ease any fresh injury or pain, it’s best to use a gel pack. It’s a great option, as it is versatile, safe and effective for treating different types of muscle pains. Not just they help in alleviating pain but they even minimize inflammation while increasing the healing process. Just try them the next time you feel sudden muscle pain or have any fresh bruise or injury.


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An ankle sprain is a common injury and often heals on its own. But if there is a severe sprain, it needs months of healing or even surgery. So, it is best to see a doctor when you have an ankle sprain. A physician will provide you with the right treatment for speedy recovery while reducing the risk of any chronic injury.

An ankle sprain is a common injury. It can happen anytime when your ankle rolls in/out with a sudden jerk. With sudden abrupt movement, your ankle joint can move out of place.

When there’s an inward ankle roll, it’s known as an eversion sprain. It can affect tendons and ligaments, along with the inner part of your ankle. On the other hand, the outward ankle roll is called the inversion sprain. It usually affects the outside ligaments of the ankle.

Both inversion and eversion sprains may cause ligaments of the ankle to tear. It leads to varying degrees of swelling and pain.

1. First Aid

Ankle Therapy Wrap

If you feel you have an ankle sprain, you need to get first aid. Never put any weight or pressure on the ankle, as it enhances the risk of broken bones or some other injuries. You need to sit in comfortably first and elevate the ankle to reduce swelling.

Even Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen can be consumed to alleviate pain and swelling. If possible, wear an Ankle Therapy Wrap for supporting the joint while preventing it from moving and twisting.

2. When to See a Doctor

When to See a Doctor

You must see a doctor for an ankle sprain when you notice:

  • Severe swelling
  • Extreme pain
  • Odd shape around ankle
  • Limited range of motion
  • Inability to walk for more than a few steps

3. Symptoms of Ankle Sprain

Some symptoms of an ankle sprain may vary as per the severity of the injury. It may include:

  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Tenderness on touching the ankle
  • Pain on bearing some weight on your affected foot
  • Restricted movement of the injured ankle
  • Popping sound or sensation during the injury
  • Ankle instability

It is usually difficult to diagnose the ankle sprain based on symptoms alone. So, you must visit a doctor. Most doctors at healthcare clinics can easily diagnose ankle sprain. If the injury is serious, they may refer you to an orthopaedist or ankle surgeon.

4. Treatment of Ankle Sprain

The ankle sprain treatment often depends on the severity of the injury. The major goals of the treatment are reducing swelling and pain while promoting ligament healing and restoring the ankle’s normal function. However, for severe injuries, you need to consult a specialist.

5. Self-care

The self-care treatment includes:

  • Rest: You need to avoid activities that may cause swelling, pain or discomfort.
  • Compression: For reducing swelling, just compress your ankle using an elastic bandage or ankle wrap until swelling cures. But don’t tie the wrap too tightly that it hinders blood circulation.
  • Ice: You need to use an ice pack after the injury for around 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat it every two to three hours throughout the day. Also, consult your doctor before applying ice.
  • Elevation: Also, elevate your ankle above heart level to reduce swelling. The gravity helps in draining excessive fluid that further helps in minimizing swelling.

6. Medications


Over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Motrin IB, Advil, etc.) or naproxen sodium (Aleve) can be used for managing pain caused by an ankle sprain.

7. Therapy

After the pain and swelling are reduced for resuming movement, a doctor will ask you to follow certain exercises for restoring the ankle’s strength, range of motion, stability and flexibility.

Proper balance and stability are crucial for retaining your ankle’s muscle movements for supporting the joint. Even crutches are useful to balance your movements.

8. Surgery

In rare cases, your doctor may ask you to undergo surgery. This treatment is required if the ankle remains unstable or doesn’t heal even after a long period of rehabilitative exercises and physical therapy.

The surgery is done to repair a ligament that doesn’t heal. It also helps in reconstructing ankle ligament with tissue via a nearby tendon or ligament.

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a condition that affects hand movements. It occurs when the median nerve in the wrist gets compressed. The carpal tunnel consists of multiple bones within the wrist, and the roof of the carpal tunnel includes the transverse carpal ligament. Even the median nerve with nine tendons passes through the carpal tuner.

When there’s an enlargement of these tendons and inflammation of the median nerve, it results in carpal tunnel syndrome. Due to this syndrome, there is pressure on the median nerve and it further leads to dysfunction of wrist movement.

Common Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Due to the median nerve inside the carpal tunnel, there’s a sensation in your thumb, middle finger, index finger and half of the ring finger. It even gives motion to four hand muscles (opponens pollicis, first and second lumbricals, flexor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis brevis).

  • Numbness in 1-4 digits (index, thumb, middle and ring fingers)
  • Wrist and hand pain
  • Feeling of electric shock through the hand and wrist
  • Tingling and burning in 1-4 digits
  • Weakness of thumb
  • Bad sleep quality due to numbness or/and tingling of the hand
  • Reduced hand dexterity

All these symptoms increase when you move the wrist forward and increase the pressure on the carpal tunnel’s median nerve.

Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The pain is due to the excessive pressure on the median nerve in your wrist. It can also cause inflammation and swelling or even obstruct normal blood flow. Some common conditions associated with carpal tunnel syndrome are:

  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Menopause or fluid retention due to pregnancy
  • Trauma or fractures to the wrist
  • Autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis

Carpal Tunnel Gloves can be very helpful in this syndrome. You should try this product to overcome this syndrome.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can turn worse if you repeatedly overextend your wrist. The repeated wrist motion can lead to compression of the median nerve and swelling. This could happen due to:

  • Prolonged exposure to vibrations caused by using any power tools or hand tools
  • Positioning wrists at a certain angle while using a mouse or keyboard
  • The repeated movement that can make your wrist overextend, such as typing or playing piano

Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

A physician can diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome by using a physical examination text, your medical history and nerve conduction tests.

A physical examination helps in a detailed evaluation of the wrist, hand, shoulder and neck. It is required to check any nerve pressure issues. The doctor will lock for any signs of swelling, tenderness and deformities in your wrist. He/she will also check muscle strength in your hand and sensations to your fingers.

The nerve conduction tests help in measuring the overall conduction speed of the nerve impulses. If your nerve impulses are slower than normal, you may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome.

Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The treatment of this condition depends on the severity of symptoms and pain. Given below are some common treatment methods to get rid of carpal tunnel syndrome:

Nonsurgical Options:

Carpal Tunnel Gloves

  • Carpal Tunnel Gloves: Carpal Tunnel Gloves are anatomically designed item to enable full use of your fingers. The fabric’s outer layer is textured for offering a firm grip for handling daily activities. This glove comes with a metal splint that’s attached at 25 degrees to prevent excessive wrist movements that may lead to CTS.
  • Mild pain medication may be prescribed to reduce inflammation
  • Steroid injections may be injected into the affected area to reduce inflammation
  • Treatment of underlying conditions, such as arthritis or diabetes

Surgical Option:

Surgical treatment helps to cure the severe damage to the median nerve. For this procedure, a surgeon will cut the band of tissue in your wrist to reduce pressure on the nerve. Factors determining the failure and success of the treatment are the duration of symptoms, age of the patient, weakness, etc. The result after surgical treatment is generally good.


Carpal tunnel syndrome affects the normal movement of your hand and wrist. You must consult a physician as soon as you notice any symptoms associated with CTS. The doctor will prescribe you the right treatment and medications to get rid of this condition.

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The simple, convenient and inexpensive way of treating arthritis is by applying hot and cold therapy to the affected area. However, many times people are confused about when to consider heat therapy and when to apply cold therapy.

Hot therapy helps in relaxing muscles and lubricating joints. So, it is often used to relieve joint stiffness, relieve muscles or ease spasm in muscles. On the other hand, cold therapy helps relieve inflammation, pain and swelling associated with arthritis. It is suggested to use this treatment for acute injuries.

How does Hot Cold Therapy Alleviate Arthritis Pain?

Treat Injuries with Cold Compression Therapy for Better and Fast Recovery

Hot Cold Therapy  works by stimulating the body’s healing process. For example, the blood vessels dilate with heat therapy. It even decreases muscle spasm and stimulates blood circulation.

You may use moist heat like heated cloths or warm baths or dry heat, such as heat lamps or heating pads, to relieve arthritis pain.

On the other hand, cold compress helps in reducing inflammation by constricting the blood vessels. Although you may feel a bit uncomfortable using cold packs, these are helpful in numbing deep pain.

What Temperature is Right for Using Heat Therapy?

When you use dry or moist heat therapy, you need to ensure that the temperature is not too hot to burn your skin. You need to find a tolerable temperature for yourself when using the heated pad, hot water bottle, hot bath or spa therapy. You can apply heat for around 15 minutes before beginning exercise.

Types of Hot Therapy to Relieve Arthritis Pain:-

You can pick any of the following types of hot therapy for relieving arthritis pain:

  • Heated swimming pool
  • Disposable heat belts or patches
  • Hot packs (warmed in a microwave)
  • Warm bath
  • Moist heating pad
  • Warm shower
  • A therapeutic mixture of mineral oil and paraffin
  • Hot tub
  • Warm cloth or moist towel

You can sit on a stool with rubber tips to safely use hot therapy on the affected area. The continuous heat flow on the arthritic joint site can help keep pain minimal while allowing easier movement.

Most people also get relief from stiffness and pain with hot spas or baths. The moist heat therapy improves muscle relaxation while boosting blood supply to the pain site. It also relieves spasms and rigidity in your muscles. However, you need to avoid spas and hot tubs if you have heart disease, high blood pressure or if you’re pregnant.

Is Cold Therapy Helpful in Relieving Arthritis Pain?

Yes, of course. Cold therapy using cold packs helps numb the swollen or sore area. It also helps reduce swelling and inflammation. You can use ice packs to alleviate joint pain due to an arthritis flare. Even using a local spray like fluoromethane is recommended for painful areas or back pain before/after exercise. A spray provides superficial cooling for decreasing muscle spasm while elevating the pain threshold. You can even use instant cold packs made from a frozen pack of vegetables.

Some patients find cold therapy more helpful than moist heat therapy, whereas others prefer alternate sessions of  Hot Cold Therapy. You can experiment with hot and cold therapy and pick the method that provides you relief with minimal trouble.

How Often to Use Hot or Cold Therapy for Alleviating Arthritis Pain?

You can use hot and cold therapy twice a day for quick relief from stiffness and pain. On the other hand, use ice pack massages for 5 to 10 minutes on the painful area. The cold therapy must be used within 48 hours of your pain onset to get relief. And, the heat therapy must not be used for pain that remains longer than 48 hours.


Using hot and cold therapy is known to be quite helpful in relieving arthritis pain. But before using hot-cold therapy, your skin must be dry and there should not be any soreness and cuts on the affected area. If there’s visible skin damage, avoid using cold or heat therapy. If you cannot figure out what to do, consult a doctor to be on the safer side.

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When it comes to wedding decorations, probably the very first thing that comes to your mind is colourful flowers. Be it enhancing the decor and ambience or showering the newly wedded couple with petals, flowers are a significant part of any wedding.

Earlier what used to be simple garlands have now turned into complexly woven garlands with a wide range of flowers and carefully created bouquets. No matter you prefer a traditional style or contemporary layout, adding fresh flowers to a wedding decor won’t go out of fashion.

If you’re wondering what could be the unique ways to add fresh flowers to wedding decorations, here are a few ideas:

Flower Curtains on the Entryway

To make your entrance look grand, you can place a curtain made of white or colourful flowers near the entrance door.

Stage and Aisle

wedding aisle

If you are considering decoration for a Christian wedding, you can consider decorating the stage and aisle with flowers. However, leave some space for guests to enter their seats while decking up the sides with refreshing flowers.

Swing with the Flowers

You can place a swing as the wedding stage rather than a sofa or couch. Furthermore, decorate it with floral garlands in red, white and other coloured flowers.

Wedding Stage

wedding stage

The wedding stage where the bride and groom will be seated after the wedding can be decorated with flowers. You can attach flowers on the sides of your stage’s entrance or the steps of the stage. You may even cover the backside of the sofa on the stage with fresh flowers. To keep your flowers fresh you can use Florist IceThis is a best way to keep your flowers fresh for all wedding days.

Ways to Make Flowers Last Longer:-

Now that you’ve got ideas to decorate wedding areas with fresh flowers, you need to know certain ways to keep your flowers last longer. Here’s how you can keep your flowers fresh for a long duration:

Keep them in Cold Temperature

When you bring fresh flowers for decoration, you need to keep them at a cold temperature. To prolong the life of flowers, you can store them in a refrigerated cooler at around 34 degrees Fahrenheit. This will keep them fresh for the time of decorations.

Get Rid of Dry Petals

If you notice one or two dry petals on your flowers, it’s best to remove them, as dry petals can contaminate your beautiful blooms. You need to keep your cut flowers in all right places to make a noticeable impact and prolong their life. Also, keep them in shade away from sunlight to ensure that the flowers remain fresh and last longer.

Use Florist Gel

Florist Gel

You can also consider using Florist Gel to prolong the life of fresh flowers. Flora gel is a water-absorbent polymer that can retain water in flowers. This innovative product is useful during decoration to ensure that the flowers look fresh and lively for a long duration.

You can even use these products for creative purposes like making floral arrangements. As per your preference, you can use a single colour or multi-colour flowers for decorations to make the surrounding area appear more beautiful and visually appealing.


Whether it’s a spring wedding or a winter wedding, flowers are important for decoration. However, when it comes to decoration for a lockdown wedding, you need to know certain ways to keep your flowers fresh for the special decor. You can follow the given ideas to improve the life of your fresh flowers to make them last longer during the wedding.


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A dog is rightly said to be the man’s best friend. They are there to provide emotional support to humans, protect them and ready to fight for their owners if needed. Therefore, you must take good care of your adorable pup, especially when you own a female dog.

Some new female dog owners may not know how to take care of her when she’s in heat. Dogs in heat can become quite unpredictable, so you need to be aware of the symptoms to help your pet avoid any uncontrollable situations.

Female Dog Menstruates

If you’re not aware, your female dog menstruates just like a female mammal. However, it’s not like the same duration and frequency of menstruation as in women. But the remaining aspects are quite similar.

When a female dog is in her puberty, i.e. around six months old, she is likely to experience the first period that signifies her fertility. Although the cycles are irregular in the beginning, they become regular within two years. The duration of female dog menstruation is around three weeks and it occurs twice a year, unlike humans.

Plus, there is no menopause in dogs. However, if your female dog misses a period, you need to consult your veterinarian to find out any underlying medical condition. Speaking of dog heat, here are a few signs indicating that your dog is in the heat:

  • Receptive to male dogs
  • Swollen vulva
  • Straw or bloody coloured vulva discharge
  • Aggressive or agitated behaviour
  • Excessive licking on the genital area
  • Frequent urination
  • Change in tail position

How to Comfort and Care for your Female Dog in Heat? 

Female Dog

Here are a few steps that you must take when your dog is in the heat:-

  • Dog Cooling Products: You can invest in Dog Cooling Products and Dog Cooling Vest to relieve their pain. It will provide them comfort during menstruation.
  • Do not let your Dog Walk without a Leash: Leashed walks will protect her from aggressive male dogs and also keep her from going too far or become too aggressive.
  • Make an Exercise Routine: You need to make a proper exercise routine for her to ensure that she stays active even when in heat. Just figure out your dog’s requirements and make exercise plans accordingly.
  • Use Tracking Chips: You can attach GPS tracking chips on her leash to know her location if she runs away. It is also helpful even when she’s not in heat.
  • Use Heat Pants: The heat pants help collect her discharge and keep your pet, as well as surroundings, clean. But these pants won’t prevent the mating act. So, you need to be careful, especially when she’s in heat.
  • Use Menthol: You can use menthol on her tail to mask the smell of hormones released during the heat. It also helps her keep away from male dogs.
  • Talk to a Vet: Even though it is a normal cycle, you may consult a vet to know more about dog heat and how to take care of your pooch in this phase. You may even get her checked from time to time after her fertile period is over to ensure she is pregnant or not.


We understand that dogs in heat are not fun to be around, as they become agitated and aggressive. But you need to provide your furry friend comfort when she goes into heat. The heat cycle of canine includes various stages – bleeding, high fertility and behavioural changes. So, your vet can provide you with all the information on how to handle her during all these stages while keeping her safe and comfortable.

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Injuries can be difficult to deal with. From recuperating to finding a way to relieve the pain, injuries can lead to much discomfort.

Ice packs and Gel Ice Packs  help you to fight the pain and find quick relief. Although using an ice pack is common, using one correctly is not. If you have used or are currently using ice packs, here are some mistakes you should avoid:

  • Using it Directly on Your Skin:
    Using an ice pack directly on your skin could lead to more harm than good. Ice packs help you to reduce the pain and allows for mobility.
    However, applying an ice pack on unprotected skin would not offer any help. If anything, it would reduce the blood flow and could lead to frostbite.

So, if you want to use an ice pack to get relief, make sure your ice packs don’t get in direct touch with your skin. Cover the spot you’d use an ice pack on with some cloth or towel.

  • Keeping the Ice Pack for Too Long:
    When it comes to using ice packs for pain relief, the key is always to let your skin rest. If left for too long, gel ice packs could cause nerve damage. Besides, it restricts the blood flow in the region.
    Typically, an ice pack should be left for about ten to fifteen minutes. Most of the commercial ice packs list the time on the pack. If you’re using a homemade ice pack, you should leave it on for ten
    Once you take the ice pack off, you should wait for five minutes, at least, before you get another one.


  • Ice Pack is a Helping Hand and Not the Solution: 
    Ice packs should not be considered as the last resort or the only resort to your injuries. The thing is ice packs offer aid and relief; however, it does not take away other care practices.

Even if you use an ice pack, you’d need to take care of your injury. Always remember to avoid elevation when it comes to injuries. Elevation may risk more swelling and pain. Avoid the same to find faster recovery.

What More to Know When You Use Ice Packs?

If you’re using gel ice packs or even home-made ice packs, here are some more things to keep in mind:

  • Ice pack treatment differs from injury to injury. You should consult your doctor before you apply one to your body. Following the same instructions for every kind of injury could make ice treatments ineffective.
  • Make sure you move the ice packs often. Most of the time, people get ice burns because they leave the ice pack on for a long time without any movement. Apart from using a cloth between your skin and the ice pack, remember to move the ice pack in circular motions for better results.
  • Before you reapply your ice pack, remember to rest. Your skin should not be numb and should be warm when you reapply the ice pack. Let your body return to “normalcy.” Let blood flow return to normal after your ice pack treatment.
  • To reduce pain and swelling, remember to use compression.

With that said, you should consider reading the instructions properly. Furthermore, if you’re confused about anything, you should speak to your doctor about the injury and how to treat it.

Although gel ice packs have a good effect on your injury, you’d still need some help regarding how to use them properly.


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